
Friday 18 February 2011

Locked In

Oh my goodness. Yesterday, during the morning I was cleaning our room. Addi was playing and our dog, Baby Roo, was visiting with us upstairs. Our bedroom door is broken and locks on its own if slammed closed. Wouldn't you know, Addi slammed the door closed. Pleased with herself, she clapped! I delayed trying to open the door because I was dreading the inevitable- it wasn't going to open. Finally, I knew Roo needed to get out and Addi would need to eat soon so I gave it a tug. Nothing. Tried again. Nothing. And again and again. Finally, I knew I would need to call my husband. But I couldn't find my phone. Panicking, I kept looking and even though it wasn't where it was supposed to be I found it!

Let me out!!!
Laughing so hard I was crying, he was quite concerned about me calling him in the middle of the day. He is a college administrator and teaching at the moment when I said "Our 9 month old locked us in our bedroom with our dog and now I don't know how to get the three of us out!" He started laughing and we couldn't stop for a few minutes! Finally, he talked me through trying to use a pen to turn the handle. I tried it earlier but this time it worked and we were free! I don't know if it was just this experience but I opened all the doors and windows (hey, it was 60 degrees in February in New England) and took Addi for a long walk. A little too much cabin fever I guess!

Friday 11 February 2011

The Sleep Obsession

I had no idea that once my baby was born, my life would become one giant obsession with sleep.

I thought that Reuben would keep me up for a few late nights in the first 12 weeks and then sleep peacefully through the night after that. I did not picture my life as it is now: infatuated with the idea of 8 (heck I'd take 6) hours sleep straight. The topic of sleep dominating every conversation I have. The constant, daily advice I get on how to make my baby sleep through the night. The books I have read and have been advised to read.

Sleep is constantly on my mind. How did Reuben sleep? How many hours in total? How many straight? How many naps did he have that day? How long were they?

Daytime naps, catnaps, long naps, the way they all influence his night sleep. Night feedings, weaning him to solids and how this should help him sleep. Toys that make womb noises to help him rest.

And how do I get him out of the habit of being rocked to sleep? Should he have daytime naps in his crib, or someplace else so he can differentiate night from day?

Everywhere I go, the topic comes up. "Is he a sleeper?" No. No he's not.

This is just about Reuben's sleep. What about my sleep? I try to go to bed when he does but that is 7pm. I usually lay there for 1 or more hours. He then wakes up.

Today has been one of the worst in the past 2 weeks. We finally had his daytime naps lasting longer and thus he had a great nights sleep last night (Slept 4 hours, then another 4 1/2) - then we battled for another hour of sleep.

By 11am he was ready for a nap - VERY ready.
So I rocked him and got him to sleep.
21 Minutes later, he woke up... wide eyed but clearly still tired. So I quickly picked him up and rocked him again. 15 minutes later, he was finally asleep.

And as I was laying him down, the phone rings.

I could have cried.

I could have punched Adam - who was calling to let me know he was on his way home.
I was so angry. Here we are, 3 1/2 hours later, and Reuben is just down for his first nap of the day. UGH.

I'm tired. And tired of talking about it.

Thursday 10 February 2011

Why blog?

Why blog? To share our ridiculous stories of course. We love, love, love our kids and write about all their cute, adorableness on our seperate blogs but I think Sara and I commiserated about some of the not so cute and not so fun parts of being a Mom. It is the hardest job in the world and it just clicked. Women can spend to much time tearing each other down when we all just need a little encouragement. Or to laugh. Or both. A little encouragement might sound like...

"You didn't kill your child today. This makes you a good parent!"

"I have been there too."

We had confessions that we didn't tell anyone but had both experienced. It felt good to get them out. Like today. Sara, today was a good day in our house including a 3 hours afternoon nap (Addi not me)! However, this does not make me want to give up the opportunity of free babysitting tonight. That's right. Sometimes I go to church (guest speaker tonight) because of the free childcare. I don't think I've ever gone more (or needed to)! We even teach Sunday school now. 1 hour alone with my husband and I get to chat with other humans (no, my daughter does not count as she cannot walk erect or talk) before and after. Sometimes there are snacks. Addi can play with other kids. Win-win all the way around. Let the fun begin!

Update: No church for us tonight- Addi passed out at 6:15pm! A little extra time with the hubby either way!

Oh no...Silence?

Some days it feels like Reuben never stops screaming or shouting for my attention. Last week I literally thought I was going to go insane because every time I just sat and listened, I heard crying. Most of the time, there's nothing even wrong. It drives me crazy.

Yesterday morning I went into the kitchen to get breakfast and Reuben was on the living room floor. He has recently, in the past couple weeks, learned to roll onto his tummy and move himself around. Every day he gets more mobile, and every day I get more afraid of all the things he will soon be getting into. My house is no where near baby-proofed.

Anyways. I was in the kitchen. And then there was silence. I ran into the living room to find this:

Fortunately it was only a pack of tissues and not scissors or something. Like I said, house not even close to being baby proofed.

I thought I'd start my "Confessions" with something relatively lighthearted.

I did enjoy that silence though.