
Our Story

Sara and I discussed this blog and think that it may be giving the wrong idea about us! We were recently reunited when Sara visited the US with her family. It gave us time to talk about the "good ol days"!

Yes, Sara and I met in college but we were not roommates. Truthfully, you could hardly say we were friends at all. As Sara said "All the memories I have of you from college are me telling you to break up with your boyfriend-now husband (can we say she had a little crush?)". My memories are very similar and also include chasing her down in our dorm after she stole one of my stuffed animals. Sara will tell you that I was half clothed at the time and I will tell you that it was part of my strategy as she was afraid physical contact.The makings of two very good Moms- huh?

Up until this winter, we haven't seen each other in years since a mutual friend's wedding (Sara's true roommate in college- where I met her husband Adam and said many inappropriate things to him I didn't know were inappropriate to Brits)! As stated, we did reconnect via the internet when I was doing fertility treatments to get pregnant with my daughter. Only a few people knew about what we were going through and Sara was one of my biggest supporters. We continued to keep in touch as my pregnancy took a difficult turn with 10 weeks of bed rest and my daughter becoming sick right after birth. During this time, Sara also became pregnant and welcomed her son!

From there, we have enjoyed laughing and commiserating about the joys and headaches of new motherhood. Her friendship has proved to be a Godsend- real and invaluable! I am so glad her family is part of my family's life!