
Tuesday 12 July 2011

Greatest Confession of All: Motherhood is Awesome.

I think the reason it's been so long since I've posted is that - I confess - I've found motherhood to have gotten a lot easier!

Since Reuben started crawling and pulling himself up to stand at 7/8 months, he has been a different child. He is happy, giggly, inquisitive, cuddly, and adorable as ever! We have had one horrendous week where he had a virus (and got a tooth), and it was really rough. I was clueless and felt so discouraged - taking care of a sick baby who is either throwing up or asleep is the hardest thing I've ever done.

BUT...a result of that sickness was that he was beyond exhausted - this lead to an easy transition to sleeping through the night! My little man now sleeps 7pm-5am (wakes for milk) and then goes back to sleep til 6. Life is good!! He is SO much happier and well rested now (as am I!) and it makes life so awesome. I am enjoying every singly minute I spend with him and he is learning things at a rapid pace.

I think Ashley and I have a joint confession - that no matter how hard babies might be sometimes, we still wanted more!!! We are both due to have babies 16 and 17 months apart from Addison and Reuben.

I'm sure this will lead to many more confessions of motherhood....

Tuesday 28 June 2011

It has been a while!

I guess it has been 3 whole months since Sara or I posted on here! I have been busy gestating and enjoying my last few months as a Mommy of one. Today I felt inspired to write about all the conversations I have been having with a wonderful friend of mine. She is on the cusp of having children- that scary "do we, and if so when?" time of life. I remember it well. All of the insecurities of "will this ruin our marriage?", "what will happen to my body?", not to mention all of the wonderful horror stories people tell you about birth. As a pro-family person I have tried to be reassuring and let my friend know that everything she is feeling is totally normal and us Moms feel the same way about kids as non-Moms do. Here are three of the most important...

"UGH! Shut your kid up!"
This occurance was a trip we took to Ikea after a dinner date with our hubbies (we had secured a sitter). It was late, close to closing, and everyone had their children there. They were tired, hungry and melting down around every corner. I felt the need to explain: I want those kids to shut up too. This is not about bad kids- it's about the parents who think it is a great idea to take their offspring out at all hours despite their age, health, schedule and the appropriateness of the outing. Feeding off of this...

"Us Moms don't love every kid. Most of us just like our own."
Being a Mom does not turn you into a cooing baby oogler or child obsessed. No, we don't think every baby or child is cute and having one doesn't make us want a million. Yes, we may be more tolerant of those crying kids at Ikea but its mostly just because we live with a little one we love (and in all honesty, we've all got caught with a crying child). Our children mean the world to us but other kids can be annoying and even repulsive. Do we love playdates or breastfeeding support groups? Yes, because it gives us a chance to have human conversations and if we were only around kids all the time (including our own) we would go nuts. However, yes, I will say it. Being a Mom doesn't automatically make you a "kid person" and you don't have to be one to be a fabulous Mommy. On a positive note...

"You are going to be an amazing Mom!"
Many of us didn't believe it either until someone else reassured us. We don't feel like Supermom or Wonderwoman every day. Or week. Or month. I was brought to tears the first time my Mom told me she thought I was a good Mom just a few months after I had my daughter and there is no bigger compliment. We all have those insecurities but you will still be you, you will have your spouse, family, friends, sense of humor, kindness and love you did before. Life still goes on after kids. You can still do all the things you want to do and accomplish your dreams but the path to get there might look a little different. There is this wonderful thing called nap time. There are also wonderful people called "Grandparents", "Aunts", "Uncles", "babysitters", etc. who showed love and support to you and your kids. And let you nap. Or shop. Or go on vacation. Or whatever it was you did before baby. Although most of these things you can do with kids, but they look a little different.

So, my dear friend- there are lots of people who will try to convince you not to have kids for a variety of reasons but there are many more of us who will cheer you on and tell you all the good stuff about having your own family. Hands down, next to marrying my husband it is the best decision I have ever made and my life is better because of it.

Tuesday 8 March 2011

The joys of Jetlag

Well, I meant to post this a few days ago when I was still in the midst of the stress of jetlag.

We just got back from America (see photos below!) and there is a FIVE HOUR time difference. It took a few days to get things back to normal - normal meaning only waking up every 2 hours or so. On top of that, for the first few days Reuben wouldn't go to bed until 11pm every night. Glad that's over with, although he's still super tired and I just let him cry himself to sleep (it didn't take long, maybe 3 minutes. I don't believe in the cry-it-out method.)

Anyways, the worst part of all this schedule-messing-up-ness is that RIGHT before we went to America, literally, days before, we finally got him into a great routine of good afternoon naps and sleeping 4-5 hours at a time at night. It was beautiful. Now, he won't nap more than 45 minutes at a time during the day and although we've had one bout of good luck (a sleep from 7pm-12am), he has been up every 2 hours or so.

I was so happy to have finally got him into a good routine and I feel like we're back at square one now. I'm encouraged because I THINK I know how to solve him sleeping well at night (Good naps) but I'm at a loss as to how to make him nap for more than 45 minutes. Bah!

Friday 4 March 2011

Breastmilk Ice Cream... only in the UK!

Too boob friendly?!
 London Ice Cream Shop Sells Breast-Milk Ice Cream - Food on Shine
Ice cream made from human breast milk? It's true. Baby Gaga, is not the name of one of the many pint sized Lady Gaga impressionists flooding YouTube with their Born This Way covers. Baby Gaga is, however, available by the pint. If you’re…

    • Sara Bradley oh. my. goodness. i wonder if i can get paid the $24 for 10 oz...hahah!! seriously though, gross. i'd give it to reuben though. haha
      Yesterday at 4:27pm ·
    • Mike Donahue grossssss
      22 hours ago ·
    • Ashley Clark Maybe you could sell yours? Who volunteered for this?! I saw this and had to share just in case you needed a snack on your way home :)
      4 hours ago ·
    • Sara Bradley bahhaha sick. and nope i already looked,...cant find a place to sell it! ahhaha.
      3 hours ago ·
    • Ashley Clark Maybe Adam needed a snack?! Haha, does that constitute cheating? I was sure you could sell it somewhere or get a job at that shop!
      about an hour ago ·
    • Sara Bradley HAHa ew ashley. lol. Yeah I could get a job your order and i'll whip up some fresh ice cream for you. sick.
      about an hour ago ·
    • Ashley Clark You are well qualified but I don't think you would get maternity leave.
      about an hour ago ·
    • Sara Bradley hahahaha. you'd get...maternity..extra pay?
      4 minutes ago ·
    • Ashley Clark OVERTIME!!!

Mommy's Nap Time

I have been battling allergies this week, even during Sara's visit I had to take Benadryl to not be an itchy, sneezing mess. I felt a bit better until yesterday they manifested themself into a massive headache. Addi had her afternoon nap interrupted by a large poop and didn't go back to sleep. Therefor we were both grumpy. texted Eric to make sure he was coming home on time so I could get a little relief. Being the good husband he is, he came home a half hour early and offered to take crying Addi. Quite relieved, I ran to our quiet, dark bedroom. A few minutes later I heard Eric put Addi down in her room for a nap. I yelled from our room (with a heating pad over my face) "NOT FAIR! CHEATING! I BROUGHT YOU HOME TO SUFFER SO YOU CAN KNOW WHAT I DEAL WITH!!!" Laughing, Eric came in to say goodnight and give me a kiss. I felt pretty bad when I woke up 2 hours later to find that dinner (plus dessert) had been cooked, Addi had only napped for 10 minutes but was now in bed! I don't deserve him!

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Friday 18 February 2011

Locked In

Oh my goodness. Yesterday, during the morning I was cleaning our room. Addi was playing and our dog, Baby Roo, was visiting with us upstairs. Our bedroom door is broken and locks on its own if slammed closed. Wouldn't you know, Addi slammed the door closed. Pleased with herself, she clapped! I delayed trying to open the door because I was dreading the inevitable- it wasn't going to open. Finally, I knew Roo needed to get out and Addi would need to eat soon so I gave it a tug. Nothing. Tried again. Nothing. And again and again. Finally, I knew I would need to call my husband. But I couldn't find my phone. Panicking, I kept looking and even though it wasn't where it was supposed to be I found it!

Let me out!!!
Laughing so hard I was crying, he was quite concerned about me calling him in the middle of the day. He is a college administrator and teaching at the moment when I said "Our 9 month old locked us in our bedroom with our dog and now I don't know how to get the three of us out!" He started laughing and we couldn't stop for a few minutes! Finally, he talked me through trying to use a pen to turn the handle. I tried it earlier but this time it worked and we were free! I don't know if it was just this experience but I opened all the doors and windows (hey, it was 60 degrees in February in New England) and took Addi for a long walk. A little too much cabin fever I guess!