
Friday 18 February 2011

Locked In

Oh my goodness. Yesterday, during the morning I was cleaning our room. Addi was playing and our dog, Baby Roo, was visiting with us upstairs. Our bedroom door is broken and locks on its own if slammed closed. Wouldn't you know, Addi slammed the door closed. Pleased with herself, she clapped! I delayed trying to open the door because I was dreading the inevitable- it wasn't going to open. Finally, I knew Roo needed to get out and Addi would need to eat soon so I gave it a tug. Nothing. Tried again. Nothing. And again and again. Finally, I knew I would need to call my husband. But I couldn't find my phone. Panicking, I kept looking and even though it wasn't where it was supposed to be I found it!

Let me out!!!
Laughing so hard I was crying, he was quite concerned about me calling him in the middle of the day. He is a college administrator and teaching at the moment when I said "Our 9 month old locked us in our bedroom with our dog and now I don't know how to get the three of us out!" He started laughing and we couldn't stop for a few minutes! Finally, he talked me through trying to use a pen to turn the handle. I tried it earlier but this time it worked and we were free! I don't know if it was just this experience but I opened all the doors and windows (hey, it was 60 degrees in February in New England) and took Addi for a long walk. A little too much cabin fever I guess!

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